Children's Librarian
Margaret Read MacDonald breathes life into traditional folktales, sharing them in exciting performances, using them to enable beginning storytellers, and publishing them in picture books and folktale collections.
MRM loves...
teaching others to tell. Using time-tested folktales MacDonald can place tales into the heads of workshop participants and enable them to perform on the spot. Participants leave ready to tell. High success rate! Visit Classes & Workshops
MRM loves...
sharing stories with audiences. She engages the audience in singing, chanting, moving in what she calls "story play." Both young and old find enjoyment in playing along with these folktales. Click on Performances. Click on School Visits.
MRM loves...
talking about the joys of story and the mysteries of folklore. Visit Keynotes.
MRM loves...
sharing her tellable folktales through books and audio.
Visit MRM's Books
MRM loves...
sharing the stage with...Richard Scholtz...Visit MacDonald & Scholtz Singing Tales; Jen and Nat Whitman...Visit The Whitman Tellers.