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The Storyteller's Sourcebook (2002 Supplement)

The Storyteller's Sourcebook (2002 Supplement)
A Subject, Title, and Motif-Index To Children’s Folklore Collections: 1983-1999

Author: Margaret Read MacDonald and Brian W. Sturm

Our supplement to The Storyteller’s Sourcebook covers the years 1983-1999. This supplement indexes 210 folktale collections and 790 picture books! No wonder publishers keep telling me the market is already glutted with folktale picture books! Brian Sturm, of the University of North Carolina Library School, co-authored this edition and did all the database crunching! Thank him when you see him, so he will want to do it again.

Type Year Publisher Price Length   ISBN
Hardcover  2001  Gale  $135.00  850 pp  0-8103-5485-3 

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"...easy to compare variants of a tale..."  ...Booknews


Storytelling World Award

Anne Izzard Award

Children's Catalog 19th ed.

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