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The Storyteller's Sourcebook (1982 ed)

The Storyteller's Sourcebook (1982 ed)
A Subject, Title, and Motif-Index to Children's Folklore Collections

Author: Margaret Read MacDonald

The eleven years spent compiling this index were a part of my folklore Ph.D work. The book indexes 556 folktale collections and 389 folktale picture books. The book is arranged according to the Stith Thompson motif-index classification used by folklorists. But most users simply look up their tale under the title or subject index. It’s a fun book to browse. For example under R221 Heroine’s threefold flight from ball you find 36 variations on the Cinderella theme, from 25 different cultures. A search of the Subject index under “Moon” presents you with 101 tales. These are arranged alphabetically by highlighted keyword to help you find just the right tale more quickly.

Type Year Publisher Price Length   ISBN
Hardcover  1982  Gale  $135.00  818 pp.  0-8103-0471-6 

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"easy enough, after a little practice, for even young storytellers to use."  ...Library Journal

"adroit adaptation of the tale-motif index model for a non-folklorist audience"  ...Folklore Forum

"A priceless addition to any public or school library. "  ...National Storytelling Journal, Fall 1986 Kay Stone

"For anyone seriously interested in working with folktale collections for children, The Storyteller's Sourcebook is an index of great potential value. "  ...Journal of American Folklore, 1983, Elizabeth Tucker

"...adroit adaptation of the tale-type index model for a non-folklorist audience..."  ...Folklore Forum, 17, v.1 Sylvia Grider

"Storytellers, children's librarians, and students of children's literature will readily welcome this valuable source."  ...Choice October 82

"Major aid to all who work with folktales and children. "  ...Storytelling: A Selected Annotated Bibliography by Ellin Greene and George Shannon, 1986

"This unique and significant reference tool will facilitate the work of children's librarians, researchers, storytellers, and teachers. "  ...Emergency Librarian, Nov-Dec 1982


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Other books of interest
The Storyteller's Sourcebook (2002 Supplement)
See the supplement. The Storyteller’s Sourcebook: A Subject, Title, and Motif-Index To Children’s Folklore Collections: 1983-1999.